Thank you so much Shayna for traveling all the way from Ngaruawahia and teaching us about Poutokomanawa It was such a great session and taught me new things. I loved the focus on the pillar (pou) of the heart and how it connects to the house (whare) and also the focus on mana (strength, spirit, pride) and mauri (essence).
It was great to be able to link in individual journeys and talk through things that built our mana and things that tear us down. We all left with a goal for the next week so we can be accountable to our journey of growth
Thank you to all the mama and pepe that attended today. We are looking forward to seeing you all next week
A huge thank you to Whare Koa Mฤngere Community House and Auckland Council for partnering with us and giving us this beautiful whare so we can support our most vulnerable